frequently asked questions

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Popular Questions from Therapists

These are frequently asked questions from therapists. Don’t see what you’re looking for? Pop your query into the form, and we’ll reply swiftly.

The therapist will receive contact information to schedule sessions directly with the student’s learning coach or family. A time will be chosen that works for both the therapist and the student.

We do not have a required minimum number of weekly hours.

Absolutely not! We believe in the therapist’s professional right to earn a living as they wish.

This is typically August through May. Summer hours are not required and may not be available to all therapists. We do continue to receive evaluations during the summer and we provide ESY services for the students that receive services from SoundEd and sometimes we receive additional students for just the summer.

Special education students in grades K through 12, usually attending online schools.

Absolutely not! We want each student matched with the best therapist for the student and a schedule that works for both. If you aren’t able to accept a referral, just simply decline and we’ll try the next student. We encourage therapists to create boundaries around their schedule and we respect those boundaries.

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Popular Questions from Schools

These are frequently asked questions from schools and clinics. Don’t see what you’re looking for? Pop your query into the form, and we’ll reply swiftly.

telecounselor with children

Speech & Language * Occupational Therapy * Physical Therapy * Counseling * Psychoeducational Evaluations * Vision & Hearing Services * Academic Interventions * Special Education and Speech-Language Case Management * Bilingual services include * Speech & Language * Occupational Therapy * Counseling

Yes, we offer live training at the beginning of the school year as well as asynchronous self-paced training housed in Google Classrooms. In addition, we offering ongoing support, a question and answer forum and direct and often prepare school and state specific trainings.

Yes. Many of our therapists are members of various State and Nationally recognized organizations. Such as: ASHA – Speech Language Pathologists; NBCOT – Occupational Therapists; NCSP – School Psychologists; ASCA – American School Counselor Association

Currently serving Arizona, Arkansas, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas; Providers already licensed in California, Colorado, Delaware; Florida, Illinois, Georgia, Missouri, N. Carolina, and Oregon. In addition to the states listed here, we are always open to expanding to new states.

We prioritize providing individualized interventions, a focus on relationships and positive engagement, and flexible and consistent services.

Yes, we have licensed Special Education Teachers and Speech-Language Pathologists who are qualified and experienced in case management and are ready to assist you.

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